Your home doesn’t have to be your second job and it shouldn’t be a reminder of everything that didn’t get accomplished because you were out to work, at dinner with friends or at the ballfield all weekend. You know the scene. You walk in the door and find the bills you never got around to still piled on the counter. The boys’ bookbags and filthy cleats are laying all over the floor. You instantly feel your tension rise and you haven’t even uttered the word hello yet! Next, you walk to the closet to take off your shoes and the mess you made while searching for your favorite top this morning is still piled in the corner.
I can help. Let’s do away with pretty rooms without a purpose. Let’s reintroduce function, ease, and simplicity to your everyday life by removing the clutter and incorporating systems in a beautifully designed space. Together we will create spaces that deliver peace instead of overwhelm, and inspire you rather than drain you.